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The objective of the CarbonNext project is to evaluate the potential use of CO2, CO and non-conventional fossil natural resources as feedstock for the process industry in Europe. The work will examine the existing and expected sources of CO2 and CO as well as non-conventional fossil natural resources such as shale gas, tar sands, coal bed methane, gas to liquid, and coal to liquid technologies.

The fist step of the investigation is to assemble data of available and potential CO2 and CO-containing gases and non-conventional fossil natural resources in Europe, which can be accounted as alternative feedstock to cover industry needs or can improve existing processes and/or industrial symbiosis. The output will be a detailed map on basis of the collected data.

The map of sources  - including information about volume, concentration and availability - will be the basis to analyse where the new "carbon sources" can fit into technical pathways and value chains.


See the interactive map at https://carbonnext-eu.github.iomapscreenshot

Contact the Team


Dennis Krämer, DECHEMA e.V.


+49 69 7564 618


Project partners

Katy Armstrong, University of Sheffield


+44 114 2227508


Hans Bolscher, Trinomics BV


+31 648 135 367


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 723678